Frequently Asked Questions


How long is the warranty for your roofs?

The warranty for your roof depends on the manufacturer and the material being used. As roofing experts, we know how to help you select the roofing material that will help keep your home or building safe for the longest period of time. Warranties can range from a few years to over 30 years so picking the right roof the first time is very important.

How do i know that you are a certified roofer?

As a licensed roofer who lives in the Houston area, you can rest assured that we want to help you get the best experience because we love our customers and would love to have another raving happy fan.

How long does it take to install a roof?

We can install a complete roof in one day for most situations. We always keep your home secured in the extremely rare event that a circumstance like rain hinders from completing on the same day.

do you have payment plans for roofs?

If you are unable to pay for a roof at this time, we will do our best to help you keep your property safe while you are waiting for an insurance claim or to save money for your roof.

do you talk to the insurance company or do i speak with them?

You definitely need to make the first contact with your insurance company so that they understand your current condition. We will happily meet with the insurance adjuster to assist pointing out any areas that might be missed so that the insurance company has a more complete scope on your required work.

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions regarding roofs or remodels, please contact us at (281) 568-0097. We love roofing and remodeling, but most importantly we love helping people!